I was driving along a country road in Somerset recently and I came across this delightful road sign, which I’ve not seen before. Ever since reading ‘The Wind in the Willows’, I’ve felt that toads were quirky, undignified and should be protected. I’m pleased to see that the highways authority share this view.
I frequently see home-made signs outside houses or farms announcing: ‘Go Slow – Chickens Crossing Road’ or ‘No more Feline Fatalities Please – We now have 5 Cats instead of 9!’ Some years back, when driving my children to school, we passed a building site, and came across a large sign saying: ‘Plant Crossing’. My children were mystified, until I explained that from time to time large cauliflowers, huge carrots and mighty marrows marched across the road at this point. I wonder why they didn’t believe me!